Re: unsure what to do ??

Hello @Shaz51

Welcome to the forums. It's a good place to be, you'll get tips and good encouragement on how to live your life from persons who really know.

My name is ja47yr and interested in what is happening for you. Good to see that already wise @Appleblossom has written to you.

I have lived experience : I'm a proud consumer meaning at my lowest I has the guts and intuition to seek a mental health agency for treatment.
I totally agree with @Appleblossom on the first comment she makes ...... ' with love.'
Always ..... Feedback to your husband is to be positive. Would a timetable for work for 4 days at a time help him ?
A good book : someone who I feel works with the words compassion and gentle is 'intimacy and Solitude, by Stephanie Dowrick.

You are the most important........ Concerning your partners journey. I remember when my husband and I first met, he wAs very concerned about my wellbeing as he was diagnosed with spending times with MI at 19 years old ......and I used to go to groups during the day at ARAfmi. It was there where I met a woman ..... My poor husband had been jailed for MI instability ( it was unfair.....) and she said..... You should just take care of you. I remember walking away thinking she was crazy ........ Then ..... Okay learnt what that meant.

Re: unsure what to do ??

Hi, thank you  Janna      We  have tried  socializing , trying to  invite friends over that will engage him in other things ,but our friends have given up and comes  up with excuses  which is hurtfull.

    We do go visit our families -- for a short period of time from time to time but my husband feels like he is left out of things .             

Re: unsure what to do ??

Is it time to join a group perhaps where he can find comfort in talking about his experience with others who understand? A lot can be gained from feeling validated and understood. I'm sure there are some groups which you both could join. Also have you suggested that he join a forum, such as that on Beyond Blue, in which he can read familiar stories and share his. Not sure if he'd be amenable to this but it's worth a shot.

Re: unsure what to do ??

Socialising can be difficult and true friends seem to be rare, but as @Janna mentioned joining groups can help.

Maybe something separate for you and him ... I dont know how many commitments you have ... if you can join a carers group etc or a craft or pursue a personal interest and he find a support group.

If he is unclear and changing his mind all the time then it is important not to force things.

Re: unsure what to do ??

yeah @Appleblossom


 A sad  outcome of a diagnosis is isolation.


Can your partner see his GP and ask for centres, he may resonate with. 

My husband. diagnosed chronic paranoid schizophrenia.....and I are checking Lorikeet out next week....a meeting place for people with MI, where we live in Western Australia.




Re: unsure what to do ??

Hi justanother47yr                     ,How Are you ,  We live in Far North Queensland , thank you for your message, we plan  lots of things but my husband changes his mind all the time , But I went and got my hair done yesterday --my husband went to do his hobby photography but got chased but home by the rain .

Re: unsure what to do ??

Lol .....cute, @Shaz51

I have spent every day with my hubby.lately .......... I've asked him for a week's break. I told him that it's not his fault but I've been getting in touch with my own timetable.....and also he has been acting quite anxious as well.

I was reading on @Jacques and @hiddenite thread (can't remember the name of the thread ) of doing too much and I thought .... That's how I'm feeling and talked about it with my partner yesterday.

Re: unsure what to do ??

A sad  outcome of a diagnosis is isolation.     ------ YEP

Re: unsure what to do ??

Hi everyone , We are still here, have had a few very  very busy weeks, planning on some timeout but not happening at the moment , very hard to get a right balance , with everything that is going on , have to for my husband`s health

Re: unsure what to do ??


This is Artaud. Just thought I wold ay hello and respond to your post. It appears things might be a little tough right now. I just want to let you know that you have the suppport of the forum.


