Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

Hi @Shaz51 decluttering and home maintenance is very apt, last night I tackled the pile of papers on the kitchen table... dealt with quite a few. I need to get back to decluttering and the backlog of paperwork tasks including scanning for a family project.

I need to ring an electrician tomorrow to fix some lights, the safety switch keeps tripping. 


Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

Well done for last night @Dimity 

Our safety switch used to trip when we had 3 thing going at once 

Yes I need to get into my paperwork too 

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

Hi @Shaz51 @Dimity I'm trying to do some digital decluttering. I find it harder than discarding physical things!

Hope you go well today.

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

@frog I know the feeling, weeding files and editing directories... I recently backed up an old laptop and transferred everything to a new one - still lots of virtual housekeeping to do.

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

Hi @Dimity  @frog   @Shaz51 

Well above mentioned list of jobs went out the window. Weather has not cooperated and I pretty much crashed energy wise.

Had some trips to big city for sons medical appointments which took some recovery from (I find it draining driving in the the city) 

Aaaaand as a bonus job had a massive water leak that took a week to find. Still have some holes to fill in.


Tomorrow I have a job interview so potentially back to work and study. There goes that list of Jobs until mid year break 😬

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

Hugs @Determined ❤

@Dimity , @frog , @Sophia1 , @Smc 

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

Heyo @Shaz51 et al.

Feeling overwhelmed at the moment. I've got hopeful plans for the warmer months of moving things we don't want from the house to the shipping container, and things we do want that are in the shipping container into the house, then as we get all the "unwanteds" in one place, try to rehome, repurpose or recycle as much as possible. (I do struggle with the resource wastage and climate impacts of landfill... so that's in the plan as last resort when the other options have been exhausted.)

That is a massive job, but nibbling around the edges with small jobs is getting nowhere. So I think we're going to have to tackle the "elephant" as an entire beastie.



Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

Well folks on the list to do

The list keeps on growing

Life keeps on throwing up

The piles are breeding


I have been very industrious.

I have been through so much paperwork and made various new piles.

Then after I see them sitting there for too long making the place look cluttered, I put them in a pile where they are staggered. A bit like that game where you pull out the block of wood.

Cannot think right now. Have the game somewhere hidden by other children and adult games, toys, possible artwork projects. sigh.


The staggered pile then becomes in the way and annoys husband who just throws everything!


The pile gets moved to another room.


Piles are now breeding in other areas of home.


I tackle them again with renewed energy then energy levels take over.

Family struggles become insurmountable and

you guessed it.

The piles are growing.


Great strategy decluttering when all else is running smoothly.


Anyone else relate to this debacle??

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

@Sophia1 I can relate to that.

My office space is a disgrace.

Have 3 big boxes to sort later but they are now overflowing and I need another box.

And I have a shed full of stuff from when we movedore than 3 years ago. Probably ruined now.  That was the too hard basket on the final load. 


Then there is the yard.

Back yard is going to take at least a week to get under control, never mind tidy properly. 

One of the drawbacks of living in town.

I used to.go happy with the chainsaw,.build a big pile and light it up during a rain storm so it could not get away . Apparently people get a bit excited about activities like that in town lol. So multiple the tip required.