Casual Contributor

Good course

Kings College/ FutureLearn currently has a great course available for free online. It has already improved my relationship with my schizophrenic family member. Contributors are experienced clinicians/researchers and people with lived experience. 


Re: Good course

Thank you for sharing this resource @Gardenhappy .


Other carers may be interested in this resource.

Re: Good course

Do you have a link @Gardenhappy ? I'm not sure I'm looking at the right thing. 

Re: Good course

I can't work out how to add the link. If you Google and search 'schizophrenia' it comes up. 

Re: Good course

Thanks for sharing @Gardenhappy 

Re: Good course

Re: Good course

Thanks for sharing!

Re: Good course

Hi there @Anon_eMouse 


We wanted to take this opportunity to welcome you to the forums.


We hope that you find the forums a great place to connect with other members, share stories and ideas, and find the support and connection you deserve.


Feel free to Introduce yourself here if you haven’t already!


We look forward to seeing you around on the forums!

The SANE Forums Team. 

Re: Good course

Hi, thanks for that info my daughter has schizophrenia/schizo effective for around 20 years. I will definitely be having a look there is always so much to learn and new information to look at. Hope you are having a lovely evening...

Warm Regards

Re: Good course

Hey @Bell63 just a quick message to let you know I've edited your post to remove your name! This is in line with our Anonymity Guideline (Guidelines here, just in case you haven't come across them already!). If you have any questions or concerns just let me know!