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Re: Partner with schizoeffective disorder hospitalised

It actually looks like he won't be in hospital for very long at all which is a great relief for us all!!! To keep him local though he has been heavily sedated 'flattened' but I am assured that is for the purpose of retiring his brain and also enabling him to remain in a very understaffed, under resourced hospital five minutes from home as opposed to seven hours so I trust that they know what they are doing and that he is in safe hands. Of course he is still very unwell and talking a lot of nonsense but as always there are still moments of clarity in his conversations with me which I cherish as no one else seems to have these with him. They even let me take his dog into the ward to see him which was incredibly therapeutic and I am so grateful to them for allowing this to happen

Re: Partner with schizoeffective disorder hospitalised

Cherishing the good moments even in a crisis shows a lot of love and understanding. Glad they let the dog in.  You are balancing a big load. Take care.

Re: Partner with schizoeffective disorder hospitalised

Yep it is a balancing act and finding the right balance is not always easy. The pyschiatrist actually approved leave for him this weekend so his mate could at least take him to our place to see the animals whilst I am away but unfortunately they reneged as he was a little agitated this afternoon when I popped in to see him before leaving for my weekend of respite. However I rang the hospital a few hours into my drive and they assured me that he was calm again.....they gave him another depot to flatten him... and he has since apologised to his pyschiatrist and cancelled his appeal hearing.... he always, without a doubt appeals the process, has done so for the past 20 plus years but only won once, the last time he was hospitalised and that was after being in for quite sometime. He has only been in since Tuesday so we shan't be counting our chickens before they hatch.... he needs proper rest and lots of sleep as the oral sedatives simply do not have any affect on him but the depot does. It is sad to see him so flattened but whilst he rests he is healing, so they tell me. Such a roller coaster but we will all be back to our normal routines soon enough I am sure.... not that there is any rush but I do hope he can come home soon enough and complete the recovery process at home as he does recover quicker when in his own surroundings and this is possible if mental health can organise a nurse and MHW to visit daily......surely his caseworker can manage that although I have noticed that he has not checked in on my partner since seeing to his admission on Tuesday and it's not like he is a long way away as it is on the same hospital grounds. I really am quite unsure of the exact role of a caseworker!!!! My understanding is that when on a CTO they are supposed to visit or at least make contact weekly but in the six years that he has been on one this has never happened, once a fortnight for awhile but very soon after that it was a phone call once a month if that!!!! I thought the role of these workers was to do the 'maintenance ' side of things and check that he was having his depot fortnightly etc but that never seemed to happen and now he is hospitalised I thought they would check in regularly to see where things are at but apparently not, apparently they now take a back step and let the treating team at the hospital take over.... so what exactly is in their J&P, that's what I would like to know!!!!

Re: Partner with schizoeffective disorder hospitalised


I hope you had some decent respite and your partner is settling.

I havent been involved with CTOs .. so not much use in answering questions ... just concerned you are doing ok.

Re: Partner with schizoeffective disorder hospitalised

I am actually doing okay Appleblossum thank you for asking!! I was able to take my daughter away for a very rushed respite weekend but well worth it and the break away from the daily routine of hospital visits was nice. Naturally I went straight to the hospital as soon as we returned and then again about an hour after that as my partner disappeared from the ward for a bit but I managed to locate and return him so all is okay!!! Am having an early night tonight so that I am refreshed and ready for whatever this week has in store for us!!!My partner is still very unwell and delusional but we have managed to have a laugh today which I love hearing as he doesn't really have many good old belly laughs so that was great!!! 

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