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RUOK? Three powerful words

Did you know that RUOK day is on this Thursday?

In my experience, these three words can be so powerful. Hearing it can make me feel noticed and not alone, To say it to others can clear the air, provide an opportunity to get things off someone's chest, and help people check in. It's an important conversation to be had, that all to often can be left unsaid.

If you sense something is not quite right with someone, would you ask them, 'R U OK? What would hold your back from asking? What do you do if someone says their not okay? What would you like someone to do for you in that position? 

Let's get this conversation going... 


Re: RUOK? Three powerful words


So, today is RUOK? Day


How did everyone go? Did anyone ask the question, or get asked the question?

Would anyone like to share their experiences?

My mum text me (the fact she was able to text without any 'auto-correct' issues is an achievement) asking me if I was okay. I thought that was lovely.

 Smiley Happy

Re: RUOK? Three powerful words

I was going to cheap and copy and paste my response from the carers forum but then I discovered I couldn't paste!  I know we took part at work and everyone was encouraged to ask the question.  I don't recall anyone asking me but then again I think they avoid asking just in case 🙂  I always get disappointed when people send a mass email around to everyone and decide they have done there bit.....I bet the same people just get last years' Red Nose out and say they are taking part in Red Nose Day too!  


Re: RUOK? Three powerful words

Well at my workplace did ask my manager if I was ok. Would have been good if they had asked me. By the way my manager never did ask if I was ok
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