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Hi new here not sure what I'm doing

Hi I'm new here haven't used forums before jus wanting to connect with likeminded people. I'm finding it overwhelming. Feel very depressed have a lot of issues not sure what I'm seeking 


Re: Hi new here not sure what I'm doing

Hi @Pippyl

it's nice to meet you! 
I understand where you are coming from. It is a very overwhelming feeling to be depressed and no know what you are needing. 
i suffer from Several MH issues which can cause me a lot of distress. 
If you want to tag someone you click the @ thing and type the username you are looking for!

im here if you ever need a chat.


Re: Hi new here not sure what I'm doing

Hey @Pippyl

Welcome to the forums! I'm one of the moderators, it's great you have reached out and I hope you find connection here. Feel free to ask the SANE forum team or members if you need help with how to use the forum. You might like to check out the Guidelines as they can be pretty useful in understanding how it all works. 


When you feel comfortable we'd love to know a bit more about you. Or another good way to ease into the forums is to post in the Introduce yourself here thread with 3 random facts about yourself 🌻

Re: Hi new here not sure what I'm doing

hi @Pippyl and welcome

well done on reaching out for some support with fellow peers
im sure many people will be able to relate to you myself included.

can i ask if you have any professional supports in place as well? have you been diagnosed with any mental health illnesses?

please feel free to have a look around the forums and join in wherever you like as well.
a forum tip is to put an @ before a members name, this way theyll be tagged and notified that your talking to them. again welcome!

Re: Hi new here not sure what I'm doing

Hi @Pippyl  Welcome! 
everyone is very nice and supportive. Look forward to hearing more from you.

Re: Hi new here not sure what I'm doing

@Pippyl  Hi there, and welcome. 

Re: Hi new here not sure what I'm doing

Thanks everyone. Thanks @Tortoiseshell I think its jus me but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it. 3 things about me, I'm a single mum, honestly I can't think of anything positive to say... I'm normally quite talkative but am apprehensive this being a public forum but also I'm feeling quite withdrawn. It's hard introducing yourself when feeling so crappy. I guess there's so much to look at that I jus dunno where to begin. I do feel like the only one in my circumstance as there is a lot but I know I can relate to others in small ways. 

Re: Hi new here not sure what I'm doing

Hi @outlander thanks. I currently don't so i thought might be good to join here as with lockdown it's so hard to do anything. We are living with my abusive parents so I have no privacy to get involved with telehealth or anything. I was seeing a psych but couldn't afford to about 1 yr ago and everything unraveled. I abruptly stopped meds earlier this yr coz of funds and coz I was too scared to go to the doc coz of covid I actually felt ok and ready to get off but with the circumstances everything went downhill so fast.  Tried reaching out to so many avenues but all seems too hard. I've done support groups in the past which were really helpful so I'm hoping when this is over I can do that again. I have depression and anxiety but I suspect I have ptsd and OCD. The OCD is really bad I can't function I can't even eat, be with my child I've told docs but it seems pills are the only solution and that's never worked and it's getting worse as my mums place is filthy and it drives me nuts. It's gotten to the point I don't leave my room I'm too anxious, a lot has caused the lead up it's easier to jus stay in my room than clean after everyone and go mental

Re: Hi new here not sure what I'm doing

hey @Pippyl

that makes things really tough hey. im sorry your living with abusive parents.
it sounds like youve had some positive experiences previously with mh professionals and supports so im glad your willing to give them ago when your able to again.
lockdown would be incredibly difficult for some people esp trying to access things that you need privacy and space for.

ive got a little bit of ocd but not diagnosed more just goes inhand with my anxiety but it doesnt affect my everyday living 24/7

i wonder if @NatureLover might be able to offer some advice for you though.

Re: Hi new here not sure what I'm doing

I've only started to see that they are abusive and have been neglectful all my life I understand how my issues stems from childhood and seeing them now be even worse to my child. It's hard as I left her dad for this reason came to them for safety and I'm right back where I began when I've tried so hard to do the work, refuse to date but still here again. I've been trying to find a place it's jus so hard right now, nothing's affordable and I have no skills to set up a life for us like I'm exhausted with closing the last chapter, I've never learnt how to be a normal Mum. I feelhaving a home and foundation for the 1st time in my life really will begin the heal for us but I don't know how ill get there. It's all I've really wanted and I never seem to get there despite working so hard and my ex jus destroyed the dream. Honestly most of the time I feel why bother and I do get suicidal coz I feel I can't solve the problems of my life and there are many. I struggle to see what I have achieved there's been many obstacles and bad luck. There's so much I want to achieve but feel I never will. I'm not on meds I feel it's pointless I think it's all situation but now I see from a young age has lead me to this life I feel a loss of identity as I have to go forward without much help from my parents I've had many unhealthy relationships so I don't keep ppl close. I have no confidence to do it all on my own. It's horrible not having you own space for years it affects me so much. 

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