Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

lots of influencers /trainers on fb etc @SmilingGecko just google pushups or cant do a chin up etc or cant do push ups they give you a Plan

I got thyroid food the other day, nuts, seaweed( was thinking wakame, but its only 10% seaweed, theres all seaweed at coles :roasted korean, ate on its own today, could see it would go with oysters etc, shellfish, also good for thyroid. could work in a a bechamel sauce/bisque too I reckon esp if not oily fish re extra flavour. 

just went for longest walk in ages. after few days building up.

rest of today:

  • get washing in
  • make bed
  • split wood
  • light fire 
  • boil soup so doesnt go off
  • have a look at/finish homework for course
Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

do say 2/3rds of max with 2mins rest inbetween @SmilingGecko 

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB The first place I saw it was on a doctors webpage and since then have checked out trainers pages for more information. Bladderwrack is another seaweed that people use for hypothyroidism. You could get it on Amazon. I can't have seaweed/iodine anymore or anything with caffeine as it makes my thyroid worse as its hyperthyroidism. I've been able to pacify my thyroid by removing those things and taking a supp. I no longer have sweats and have regular sleep habits. I've been making bone broth today and watching something online. Gave myself a DIY haircut. Moon is in cancer so great for haircuts, my hair will grow back thicker. Today is a quieter day so I tend to slack off at the end of the week but back at it tomorrow. Planning on clearing out my study tomorrow and organising some artificial feng shui flowers for my desk to harmonise the east center of the house. Got to get into some vaccuum cleaning 

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby, just doing some online study. Hope you're okay


Re: Tabaluga's

@Meowmy @TAB @SmilingGecko @Glisten @StuF @Jacques @Bill16 @tonys 


Slept in this morning for Mother’s Day. Got up and watered garden then went back to bed. Son rang me and woke me up. Went to shops and got ingredients for favourite meal. Hubby grumbling that I am not his mother lol. Other son will ring me this afternoon after he finishes work 

Re: Tabaluga's

I'll see how I go @TAB! I just tossed out recycling and skip bin. Have not done much today. Was happy with haircut. May try a new style next time and use my old creaclip to get it the way I want. Did I tell you I won lotto? $10/month I think it is on Set for Life. Not anything much really. I'm not familiar with the different games and how it works but there was a venus/pluto transit that week that expands wealth so signed up otherwise I don't bother.  

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

I am the opposite am starting to sweat again after a few years of only sweating when moving and in direct sun. @SmilingGecko  um saw article on magnesium oil , it claims most of sweat/lympph/something is related to left foot(?)  was saying way better idea to use magnesium oil than deodorant say ok that was is said if massage left foot can stop BO (?)

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

sounds good @Oaktree  just thinking of my mother now. she died in 9 days time 7 years ago.

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

say you live another 360 months thats $3600, its something anyway @SmilingGecko  potentially more than I ever won. re lotto.

Re: Tabaluga's

@Oaktree enjoy the evening. Take care