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How to emotionally support your man when they are going through something but not telling you about it

Hi Everyone its LostAngel and yes Im gonna talk about relationships again but more specifically men and their feelings and how to better support men emotionally             Ive been romantically involved with a man whom Im concerend about I get the vibe there is something hes not telling me but that its something affecting him emotionally he has not said much about it but this is what he has said about things                        he seemed outwardly stressed,he said he had alot on his mind,when I asked him if he was allright he said he was which I knew wasnt the truth based on his outward stressfull behaviour,he tried to appear calm but I can tell there is something bothering him,last night I asked if I did or said anything that upset him and he said no I havnt,but I feel as though something or someone is bothering him at the momment,when I asked if we could meet up this afternoon he said he couldnt then quickly apologised saying he's just having a bad day,I think theres something going on for him that he doesnt want me to know,also when I was saying goodbye to him yesterday,I had the urge to go back to him and give him a hug and kiss and when he hugged me it was a long type hug,like he didnt want to let go,he also said to me stay happy,I think theres some stuff hes not telling me about but yeah mainly he seemed more worried about something than usual still calm outwardly at times but something was on his mind,as for today after he apologised I told him I would give him some space and that I hope hes ok not sure what else to do for him at this time,I want to respect his boundaries and not ask too much about it as he clearly is bothered by something but doesnt want to tell me whats actually bothering him also when I tell him about my life stresses he listens empathetically and even asked me point blank wether or not I was going through anything real bad I told him no and hes like well thats ok then,not to judge or anything but its hard to help someone if they dont want  you to get involved with whats bothering them,just a bit of a backstory hes living situation is always a worry for him as well as money issues,but he is upfront and honest with me about all that regardless,he seems to be like a good guy,but just in a bad situation,I hope hes not in any major trouble I do know he smokes as well as smokes weed but keeps the weed smoking away from me,hope hes not in serious trouble with anyone,but for now all I can do do is give him some space like hes asked,I mean yes logically its crossed my mind I hope hes not involved with drug dealers or some criminal element behind the scenes,but of course that could be my worrying too much,hes protective of me,I hope that long hug wasnt his way of saying goodbye or something,hope hes ok and I hope he knows he can talk to me even if it is something real bad hes dealing with 


Re: How to emotionally support your man when they are going through something but not telling you about it

Well speaking as a self-identified avoidant person, being mindfull of barriers is the best way in. People love trusting when the the stars line up for it. Seems like you got a bunch of nice balances going on.

Re: How to emotionally support your man when they are going through something but not telling you about it

ok thank you @wellwellwellnez 

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