Re: My special place

That sounds like a good idea for after your pdoc appt. @Eve7 

Sounds yum hon, even better not having to cook it.

@Shaz51 I do that sometimes too. Buy a chicken and just have vegies or a salad with it.


Nothing planned for tomorrow. 

Just trying to get through tonight. At this stage I just don't want to.


Re: My special place

I’m so sorry your life is so hard @Snowie and I fear your mother will be around for a while yet with her rotten attitudes .

Re: My special place

Thanks @Eve7 

I don't want to dump it onto you hon. You have enough to deal with.

Unfortunately it is something I just have to learn to live with.


I just want to follow through on my plans tonight. Am safe for now.


Re: My special place

@Snowie I've been reading along, and I am really sorry that you're experiencing such awful treatment from your mum. It's deeply unfair, especially given all the effort you're putting in, the time and energy you're sacrificing.


Glad to know you are safe for now, though obviously it still sucks to sit with those thoughts. Is there one small thing you can do tonight to give yourself some care n compassion? A hot choccie or a bath or something? Here for you hun 💜

Re: My special place

Thanks @Jynx 

I should have expected it to turn out like this. Unfortunately I am not surprised. No matter what I say she will never change. I guess the saying 'a leopard doesn't change its spots' applies very well here.


Sitting here with a cuppa now. Think it will be an early night. I don't think staying awake will benefit me at all.


Re: My special place

I am here for you every day @Snowie  and please continue to stay safe 💜💜💜

Re: My special place

Thanks @Eve7 Please remember that I am here for you too.

Re: My special place

@Snowie mm cuppa and an early night sounds pretty good ay. I can hear that despite all of the turmoil, you're still taking steps to look after yourself. Hope you get off to sleep okay hun 💜

Re: My special place

I know you are @Snowie @and I appreciate you for that 💜

Re: My special place

Dear @Snowie , no wonder you are done. It's totally unfair that your mother is taking her diagnosis out on you 😡

I wonder if you can tell her you are going to put her in a home with a dementia ward? Then she might be nicer to you!!


At least I hope you feel strong enough to go through the process needed to get respite for her (for you really)... 🤞

Thinking of you and hoping you are safe 💙