Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

Okay @creative_writer I wanna be careful not to over-identify with your story cos it's not my place to say whether you do or don't have ADHD - that is your journey. 




Something my ADHD friends and I have often spoken about is how intense and speedy our thoughts are! It's why we end up on so many conversational tangents, cos everything reminds us of other stuff and then our brains are like ZOOP time to introduce a seemingly random topic! And same goes for working better with structure! If I don't have structure around me I fall to pieces. Like if I'm asked to finish a form or something at work, and I don't have a deadline already, I have to ask for one or I will never get stuff done! 


"People tell me I am intelligent, but I always feel like I’m underperforming." Big mood! There's another questionnaire (worth doing, but it's a lot longer and goes into questions about childhood and stuff) called the DIVA 2.0. It asks a lot of questions about performance at school, and in that section I scored really low, cos I did pretty well in high school. But then there was a question that was along the lines of, 'Was your school performance adequate due to high intelligence?' or something like that. Like I barely studied, but I got decent grades - and then that came back to bite me later cos I never developed good study skills/habits and I know that if I had, I would've gotten a way higher ATAR. 


For the record, all of our interactions are evidence enough to me of your high intelligence. Just sayin'. 


I hadn't done anything nice for myself yet this evening, but I appreciate the prompt, cos now I think I will - gonna have my last hot choccie and settle in with a book after I log off. So I much appreciate your words, and wish the same for you 💜

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

@Jynx I feel like teasing bipolar and ADHD is also hard, which is why my psych or pdoc would be in the position to tell. Even if I were ADHD, my history of hypomania would have to be taken into consideration when looking at meds.

I do often find myself bouncing around from one thing to another. Studying straight for an hour just feels too much, you know. I had to force myself during placement, but that is not to say I did not get distracted at times. Structure does help me though, placement have that structure to me. I am actually doing better at uni than I did at school. I was a really dreamy kid in primary school. I just gradually got better academically with time.

Aww, you sound pretty insightful and intelligent yourself 💖

Hot choco sounds good. I think my skincare routine is waiting for me

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

@creative_writer 😊😊💜

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

@Jynx I hope you slept well last night 💖🫂

I feel the rage building up again, don’t know how to describe how I feel, but Crawling by Linkin Park resonates with me right now. I do miss Chester Bennington

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

Good morning @creative_writer ❤️

How're you today hun?

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

Hi @lavenderhaze it’s been a rough day so far, I feel like I’m emotionally suffocating.

How are you doing today? 💖

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

I am okay, just a bit tired today 🙂

Something on your mind @creative_writer?

Would you like to chat about it? ❤️


Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

@lavenderhaze I really don't want to take a PRN (because it makes me feel a failure), but SI is getting worse. These thoughts won't stop racing. Fighting these urges is very exhausting. I'm safe

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

Hey there @creative_writer 💜🌺

I’m sorry I didn’t reply yesterday - was a bit fatigued 🙂

Great news the placement appointment went well - and the grounding techniques helped 💜🙂


I hope the distraction settles down and you were able to get some of your work done sweets? 🤗🌺

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

@Former-Member I think I'll eat lunch soon, my brain is not braining right now. I am just growing more and more frustrated, uni is not working as a distraction from these thought rn.

I hope you are feeling better today ❤️ ❤️