Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

@Zoe7, I need an early night too. I’m up at 6:30 tom. It’s hard with him being a male therapist. I haven’t been able to find a good female pdoc. There are plenty of good female psychs, I only disclose more information during those appointments. I didn’t disclose much to my pdoc. The question took me off guard, maybe it was the way it was phrased, I wouldn’t ask the same question to my future clients

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

It makes it so hard when we feel like we are sitting on the edge of our seats with those supports @creative_writer but I am glad you do have someone you can talk to more openly.


I hope you have a good day tomorrow despite the early start.

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

@Zoe7, it’s just too soon. It took me a while to get comfortable with my psych, even now I’m not 100% comfortable, but I don’t feel fully safe with anyone so I guess it’s as good as it’s going to get

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

@creative_writer I think going with our instincts is a good thing. If you are not comfortable with the way things are going with your pdoc then voice your concerns - if you have trouble talking to him about it (as so many of us do), then write it down. Therapy can only be positive if you feel okay with what is happening in those sessions otherwise we spend so much of our time afterwards thinking, rethinking and then thinking again ...and those thoughts can take over our lives. You have the right to talk (or not talk) as you feel comfortable doing Hon ❤️

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

@Zoe7, I think I’m just naturally reserved. Some people can openly talk about things but that has never been me. I keep stuff even from the people closest to me. Not everyone realises that my cultural upbringing has also played a role in how one talks about mental health and trauma. I hope you are doing better today, hon ♥️

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

I am very much like you @creative_writer ...a listener not a talker. I do talk more with my current psych though - it certainly is a comfort and trust thing - both I feel with her.


Yesterday was a better day but not today - very, very sore and achy so it is good I am now home and have a couple of days to rest. It also means I can have more pain relief as I do not have to drive anywhere. I am careful with pain relief and driving - 90% of the time it doesn't affect me but there are those odd few times I get nauseous so best to be safe.


It will also mean I should be able to catch up on some work as I can lay down when needed.


How are you today Hon?

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

@Zoe7, I think there is beauty in being a listener. I talk more with my psych too, I’ve know her longer. I only started seeing this pdoc earlier this year. It also feels more confronting talking about certain matter with male therapists too. Maybe it’s normal to feel this.

I hope you feel better soon, hon 💖. I’ve been in pain too, the antihistamines help a bit but still have Hayfever symptoms. Hayfever is never good for migraines. Migraines are never good for mental health either. I’m not even surprised mood changes is listed as a migraine symptom. I thought I wasn’t going to get through the day with uni today, but managed to get that full day in. I was working from home, was able to get more sleep. Some pain relief can have awful side effects,

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

I find it hard talking to male professionals too @creative_writer I was fortunate that my GP did all the ground work to find supports for me years ago and whilst they have changed over the last couple of years, both pdoc and psych were recommended by my previous pdoc so it has all worked out well.


It seems like you have had a productive day despite pain Hon. I am heading to bed very soon as I am not good tonight. The mental toll of physical pain just gets too much sometimes hey - reached that point this afternoon so now the fur babies have had their night biscuits (and Tobes has been outside), I can finally just give in to this day.


Will catch up with you sometime over the weekend - hope you can get some rest too and the pain/hayfever/migraine eases ❤️

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

@Zoe7, findings supports is hard. There is a lot of pressure on mental health clinicians and waiting lists are insane.

I hope you were able to rest up and found curling up with the furry ones comforting 💗. I don’t think furbabies really realise how important they are to their owners

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

The MH system is so broken @creative_writer and especially for those that cannot afford the massive fees some charge ...and yes, the waitlists are ridiculous. 


I have got a lot done today and had fur baby cuddles as well. Still more to do tonight and tomorrow but getting there.